Hestevard Hormequin Hormone Balance Supplement Mares and Stallions Fertility Cycle

Regular price £32.50 Regular price

Ground Monk’s Pepper & MSM based complementary feed to support optimal hormonal balance.

Chaste Tree (Vitex Agnus-castus) traditionally has been used to have a positive effect on fertility and the menstrual cycle of horses, whilst also supporting the pituitary gland, the hormone metabolism, and vitality of the affected horses.

HormEquin contains Monk’s Pepper which also supports the normal functioning of the pituitary gland and assists in optimising the hormonal metabolic processes.

Suitable for use in stallions displaying challenging behavior with mares, and may assist in normal reproductive performance and fertility.

May contravene rules of equestrian competition.

Available in 1L

20-day supply (50 ml/day).

*please note that we are unable to send liquids in excess of 1 Litre per parcel overseas due to International Airfreight Safety Restrictions*

Please note that we cannot send supplements to Australia without a valid BICON permit.

Australian citizens will need to obtain a BICON permit prior to purchase & send us the documentation prior to export.

We are one of the largest independent retailers of Hestevard in the UK & a verified premium stockist giving us access to the entire range. Our sales advisors all use these products on a daily basis so are able to offer you expert advice. If you need any assistance in selecting the right item for you or your horse please don't hesitate to contact us.